Put Your Personal Finances on the Right Track
Do you worry about your financial future? Wouldn’t it be nice to know that you’re making the right decisions and taking the right actions to provide financial security for yourself or your loved ones? Well, you can – once you’ve learned how to build a strong financial ship and steer it on a predictable course toward your goals.
Other financial counseling firms focus on the mechanics – the “nuts and bolts” of money management – without giving you the overall blueprint or plan you really need. We take a personalized approach that addresses the big picture of your financial life, building your comprehensive strategy on the primary pillars: attitude/mindset, mechanics, and accountability. Here’s how it works:
Attitude & Mindset: Preparing for the Journey
Before you embark on any journey in life, you can’t figure out how to get where you’re going until you know where you want to go. The same holds true for your journey toward a happy, secure financial future – so that’s where we start. We’ll discuss what matters most to you, what motivates you to take action, and what destination you want to reach.

Mechanics: Setting a Course for Success
Now that you know where you want to go, it’s time to work out the steps and strategies that’ll take you there. With your direction clearly in focus, we’ll set the course by working together to create a system that works for you, is easy to manage, and reflects your mission and values. But we’re not locked into one rigid path – just as any sea captain must respond to the wind and the weather, we continually improve and adjust our methods as circumstances change.
Once we get the direction in clear focus, we set the course forward. Together we’ll create and implement a system that fits you, is easy to manage, and reflects your values. We always keep improving and adjusting as your circumstances change.
Accountability: Moving Toward Your Destination
Once you set sail and start moving forward, you need to keep going until you reach your destination. The key to lasting success is consistent, steady, long-term effort. We will monitor your progress carefully, offering suggestions and guidance every step of the way and making the little course adjustments that keep the wind at your back.
Moneyworks Financial Coaching is ready to help you and your loved ones find your way toward your financial goals, one smart move at a time. Check out our services and contact us for a free consultation!